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Take Advantage NOW!

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Congratulations! You’re About to Experience the Most Successful Children’s Karate Program in the area at AMS Test School.

We’re looking forward to meeting you. If you have any questions at all about Children’s Martial Arts Classes in our area, please give us a call: (555) 555-5555

If you’re looking for the #1 Karate lessons for children in Orlando, you’ve come to the right place!

Parents all over the Orlando area are talking about our Karate lessons for kids! Children learning to defend themselves, plus they are quickly

  • becoming more confident,
  • becoming more focused, and
  • learning to set inspiring goals!

Not only that, but the other children in our children’s Karate program are also focused on being positive, enthusiastic, and successful. Your child will get POSITIVE peer pressure!

Imagine what your child could accomplish with such a powerful peer group!

If you’d like to see your child build rock solid self-confidence and laser sharp focus, complete the form on this page for a “no obligation” chance to try our amazing Karate classes!

3 Trial Classes
with a Free T-Shirt

ONLY $19.99!

Fill out the form above and get a Online Special of fun-filled classes that will help you lose weight quickly and consistently. You will Love it!

After you fill out the form:

We will contact you to set up a convenient time for your first lesson. Please prepare some comfortable clothes and get ready for the most fun workout you’ve ever had!

Look what children and parents are saying!

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martial arts testimonial

“I used to be a trouble-maker, but Martial Arts taught me to respect everyone.”

Learned Respect


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martial arts testimonial

“My children know how to play with others, take turns, share, they even know how to spend money because they work for it; they help me around the house. Honestly, it’s been the best opportunity and investment I’ve ever made in my life. You should try it too!”

“The best investment I made in my life”

–Sylvia M. (Matthew, Justin, & Angelina)

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martial arts testimonial

“I learned how to stop bullying without fighting—I love Martial Arts!”

Stopped the Bully!

–Matthew. M.

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martial arts testimonial

“Martial Arts taught me focus; now I’m on the honor roll!”

Improved Grades

–Libby A.

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martial arts testimonial

“Martial Arts has been great for my son. It’s helped his listening skills, it’s helped his focus, it’s helped his eating habits. Martial Arts is the best investment I ever made for my son.”

The Best Investment I Ever Made!

–Shane K. (Ethan)

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