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Take Advantage Now

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Orlando Fitness with a Purpose

If you’re tired of gym memberships that just are just too boring to keep you going back again, AMS Test School martial arts classes are the answer you’ve been looking for!

We make fitness fun! You’ll learn exciting self-defense techniques like you see in the movies, while you:

  • lose weight
  • gain strength
  • increase flexibility
  • release stress
  • meet positive new friends

Plus, it’s a great program for families: husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, parents and children, even grandparents and grandchildren.

3 Trial Classes
with a Free T-Shirt
ONLY $19.99!

Fill out the form above and get a Online Special of fun-filled classes that will help you lose weight quickly and consistently. You will Love it!

After you fill out the form:

We will contact you to set up a convenient time for your first lesson. Please prepare some comfortable clothes and get ready for the most fun workout you’ve ever had!

Look at What Students are Saying!

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martial arts testimonial

“Since I began martial arts, I’ve lost 90 pounds of physical fat, I’ve lost tons of mental fat, I’ve gained confidence, I’ve gained health, I’ve gained happiness, I’ve gained friends, I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge. I can say without a doubt: the most positive thing you can do to effect a change in your life is to practice the martial arts”

Lost 90 Pounds!

–Alex M.

Slide 2
martial arts testimonial

“Ever since I started Martial Arts, I have the confidence that I can defend myself. No one can touch me now!”

I Can Defend Myself!

–Lani J.

Slide 3
martial arts testimonial

“Ever since I started Martial Arts training I’ve become more confident, energetic, and happy! If I can do it, you can do it.”

More confident, energetic, and happy!

–T’iana R.

More confident,

energetic, and happy

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